Friday, February 13, 2015


On Wednesday February 11, 2015, we made invisible friend Valentine with my English class.

The origin comes from the third century, it all started when in Rome, a priest decided to challenge the Roman emperor, who had banned the celebration of marriages for young people.

The priest Valentine, didn’t like that made the Emperor and therefore held secret marriages for young people. So he was martyred and then executed on February 14.

Invisible friend:
I did the letter for Marta and gave her two lollipops and a heart made by me with chuche languages. And I put all my love doing the letter to my friend. And Aitana made me a letter and she gave me a rose chuche.

I really liked to do the invisible friend because I love doing crafts.

Monday, February 9, 2015


The bulb is one of the most important elements in the world. This invention revolutionized the world in the way we live, work, study, play ...
Although there were many people involved in the invention of the light bulb in 1800, but the best known was Thomas Edison, because he was the first to create a practical long lasting bulb. He is known by the person who invented the first lamp.
In 1897 he invented a system to illuminate at sites that were dark , with a generator , cables and a bulb.
With this invention changed the lives of everyone , leading to every household in the world light without using fire.

What 's made the light bulb?

It consists of a glass globe is hollow inside and has a filament by passing electricity, causing light.

The advantages using a light bulb are thar bulbs:

- Currently the bulbs have evolved greatly, for example, are now low energy and pollute little.
- Give Light to the streets, and that makes them less dangerous.
Now we can do more things within schools, supermarkets, our homes, when natural light doesn’t illuminate the things we are doing too much.

On the contrays :
For example when one bulb burns out, the person instead of recycling strip away and that pollutes much.
The light bulbs causes us spend too much money because electricity is very expensive.
Besides isn’t very good to be all day locked up somewhere in this light, because you have to give the sunlight.

In conclusion, I think that this invention has changed the world.