Sunday, January 4, 2015


Smith’s car

Hello, my name is Laura. This holidays I have read Smith's car. The author is George P.McCallum.

The book explaining what a United States family do every day. The father made his own car and the mother and the children helped.
When they finished the car, the family took him to a race of vintage cars. When the race finished, a man approached the car, and asked the father how much money he wanted, because the man wanted to buy the car.
But the father and his family love the car. But they need money. The father didn’t know what do. Finally his little daughter gave him the solution. He didn’t sell his car but he did a new car for the american man. So they had money and their pretty car.

I can’t put any of George P.McCallum, because I didn’t find information about him.

For me this book isn’t entertaining, but okay.

I can't put any link because there is nothing in internet about this book.

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At Christmas I went to the cinema to see Interstellar.

The film is about that life on earth is running out. Then a group of astronauts, the pilot Cooper, Amelia scientific and two other people, were boarding a ship for a mission that may be the most important in the history of mankind. They begin a journey beyond our galaxy in which discover if some planet the human race can live. They travel through a wormhole to another galaxy.

The story is based on the theory of relativity expert Kip S. Thorne, who says that wormholes not only exist, it can be used as portals for time travel.

I love this movie and I found it very interesting to see.


Christmas Cracker    

This year we have maden crackers in English and we haven’t done the invisible friend. The crackers are typical in England on Christmas Eve. That day each person find next to his plate a cracker, before eating they sing a carol and then open it.

There are people who buy a cracker and there are people who make homemade.
This tradition was established in London in 1847 by Tom Smith, who had a candy store. 

I did the cracker to Rober, I put into lollipops, a chocolate, a paper crown, a joke and two Christmas phrases.

I really enjoyed doing the project of crackers.

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