Hello my name is Laura , this summer I have read "Letters from Paris". The writer is called George P. McCallum.
The book recounts a few individual stories between them.
To me the one I liked was called "The man in black" . This story is about two friends who went to a cafe to talk, one of them had gone to the bank because her husband needed to take out of your account $ 200, but she was afraid to walk down the street with so much money.

But she went to the bank but did not like the idea and then went to the cafeteria to talk to her friend. He said he had a lot of money in the bag and where she and her husband kept the money. But what I had not realized is that there was a man in black that was watching for a long time.
Then when she got home and she was with her husband in the living room, they began to hear noises in his room, but suddenly knocked on the door two policemen. What happened was that in the cafeteria everyone was aware of everything that was said. Then the master of black, followed her home to take the money. But the police caught him before he escaped.
I liked this book a lot, because I like to read entertaining.
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