Saturday, December 5, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
Hello my name is Laura , this summer I have read "Letters from Paris". The writer is called George P. McCallum.
The book recounts a few individual stories between them.
To me the one I liked was called "The man in black" . This story is about two friends who went to a cafe to talk, one of them had gone to the bank because her husband needed to take out of your account $ 200, but she was afraid to walk down the street with so much money.

But she went to the bank but did not like the idea and then went to the cafeteria to talk to her friend. He said he had a lot of money in the bag and where she and her husband kept the money. But what I had not realized is that there was a man in black that was watching for a long time.
Then when she got home and she was with her husband in the living room, they began to hear noises in his room, but suddenly knocked on the door two policemen. What happened was that in the cafeteria everyone was aware of everything that was said. Then the master of black, followed her home to take the money. But the police caught him before he escaped.
I liked this book a lot, because I like to read entertaining.
Inside Out
The film is the way to go getting older, and there are many obstacles that everyone has to go on that long road. Riley is the protagonist, who must move because his father got a new job in San Francisco. She, thanks her emotions joy, fear, anger, disgust and sadness has been guiding and to grow gradually.
The only one who gets to have a positive attitude is the main emotion Joy, however the other emotions always that they have to decide how to act always end up fighting. Every day that Riley is in San Francisco gets worse, it is becoming increasingly difficult to control.
I liked this movie because it is very interesting, fun and on the other hand, sad.
Monday, August 31, 2015
The summer in Madrid
In late July I went to Madrid a few days with my family, we were 15 people on the floor of my uncle. We went there because one of my cousins was going to go to Greece to see his father, and as he did not feel much, all went to cheer and that at least she'll have fun these days.
The day we were there it was hot, the truth is that we were very lucky. A day before my cousin went out to "Madrid's Theme Park", we spent all day there, it was all good fun and I would pass very well.
The day before we all went to the airport to accompany my cousin, and until his plane left us we were not, we were there most of the morning, and then in the afternoon we went to a public pool.
And the last day we picked up everything, managed a little flat and as we left each home.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
My class and me, from Tuesday 2 until Monday 8 of June, we will go to Holand, to Oude Pekela. There we will meet many colleges from Europe, in the European Committee, called Euro Water.
First we will be with the Dutch families few days, and at the end we will go two days to Amsterdam, to a hotel. And the last day we will go to see the Anne Frank House.
It will be the first time that I fly and I'm very nervous. I hope a lot of fun.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Where I am?
On Friday 13 October, my class and I went to sleep at school. When it was evening, the teachers asked us yo go to sleep but as Anavi, Julia and I, didn't want to, we went outside to walk a little school.

I didn’t know whose that voice, was all I knew was that it was something that had no life ...
After spending two days walking I knew we were lost, I began to hear helicopters and a person saying our names. But when I shouted with relief, nobody listened to me, it was as if no one could hear me, as if that was haunted forest ... Like the VOICE said I never met my friends and also found the output of that nightmare ...
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
On Wednesday February 11, 2015, we made invisible friend Valentine with my English class.
The origin comes from the third century, it all started when in Rome, a priest decided to challenge the Roman emperor, who had banned the celebration of marriages for young people.

Invisible friend:
I did the letter for Marta and gave her two lollipops and a heart made by me with chuche languages. And I put all my love doing the letter to my friend. And Aitana made me a letter and she gave me a rose chuche.
I really liked to do the invisible friend because I love doing crafts.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Although there were many people involved in the invention of the light bulb in 1800, but the best known was Thomas Edison, because he was the first to create a practical long lasting bulb. He is known by the person who invented the first lamp.
In 1897 he invented a system to illuminate at sites that were dark , with a generator , cables and a bulb.
With this invention changed the lives of everyone , leading to every household in the world light without using fire.
What 's made the light bulb?
In 1897 he invented a system to illuminate at sites that were dark , with a generator , cables and a bulb.
With this invention changed the lives of everyone , leading to every household in the world light without using fire.
What 's made the light bulb?
It consists of a glass globe is hollow inside and has a filament by passing electricity, causing light.
The advantages using a light bulb are thar bulbs:
The advantages using a light bulb are thar bulbs:
- Currently the bulbs have evolved greatly, for example, are now low energy and pollute little.
- Give Light to the streets, and that makes them less dangerous.
Now we can do more things within schools, supermarkets, our homes, when natural light doesn’t illuminate the things we are doing too much.
On the contrays :
For example when one bulb burns out, the person instead of recycling strip away and that pollutes much.
Besides isn’t very good to be all day locked up somewhere in this light, because you have to give the sunlight.
In conclusion, I think that this invention has changed the world.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Hello, my name is Laura. This holidays I have read Smith's car. The author is George P.McCallum.
The book explaining what a United States family do every day. The father made his own car and the mother and the children helped.
When they finished the car, the family took him to a race of vintage cars. When the race finished, a man approached the car, and asked the father how much money he wanted, because the man wanted to buy the car.
But the father and his family love the car. But they need money. The father didn’t know what do. Finally his little daughter gave him the solution. He didn’t sell his car but he did a new car for the american man. So they had money and their pretty car.
I can’t put any of George P.McCallum, because I didn’t find information about him.
The film is about that life on earth is running out. Then a group of astronauts, the pilot Cooper, Amelia scientific and two other people, were boarding a ship for a mission that may be the most important in the history of mankind. They begin a journey beyond our galaxy in which discover if some planet the human race can live. They travel through a wormhole to another galaxy.
The story is based on the theory of relativity expert Kip S. Thorne, who says that wormholes not only exist, it can be used as portals for time travel.
I love this movie and I found it very interesting to see.
Christmas Cracker
This year we have maden crackers in English and we haven’t done the invisible friend. The crackers are typical in England on Christmas Eve. That day each person find next to his plate a cracker, before eating they sing a carol and then open it.
There are people who buy a cracker and there are people who make homemade.
This tradition was established in London in 1847 by Tom Smith, who had a candy store.
I did the cracker to Rober, I put into lollipops, a chocolate, a paper crown, a joke and two Christmas phrases.
I really enjoyed doing the project of crackers.
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